“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Dr. Sebi loved to fast and he did drink the Irish Sea Moss daily and thus at the age of 80 could fall on his knee. He said everyone must fast 12 days a year. Learn more.
Fasting is easy to do, but some may struggle for the first few times. Take it slow. If you cannot fast for long periods then stop and begin again. Dr. Sebi Loved the Green Food Plus during his fast. The ingredients for Green Food Plus are:
Ingredients for the Bromide Plus are:
I add 1 tablespoon of Bromide Plus powder to my smoothies along with 1/2 tablespoon of the Green Food Plus. You can check out my ebooks and the one on how to make all Dr. Sebi Products at Home: https://www.mucusless-diet.com/ebooks.html Alfredo D. Bowman (1933-2016), famously known as Dr. Sebi, was born in the village of Ilanga in Spanish Honduras, unpredictably cured hundreds of people with serious diseases and demonstrated in the U.S. courts too that his methods are 100% natural and effective. He always endorsed himself as a self-taught teacher/brother, vegetarian herbalist, pathologist, biochemist, and neutralist of herbal medicine. As he gained popularity in local communities, he came to the U.S. on a mission to heal humanity. From Aids to Cancer, Diabetes to Epilepsy, he healed numerous ailments and reversed them entirely, and had risen to more fame in the 1980s.
The Dr. Sebi Life Plan
Dr. Sebi created the perfect diet with natural foods, not hybrid and after studying in Mexico created what everyone now knows is the Nutritional Food Guide. In this guide you will learn what foods you can eat and not eat. You will become a vegan gradually or all at once and give up foods such as meat, dairy, sugars and some foods you may have been eating that you thought were healthy like broccoli and cauliflower. You can eat all you want of the foods but please check the calorie counter below to see how many calories you can have to lose the weight you want or to maintain the weight you have. To check your Body Mass Index (BMI)) use the app directly below and see if you are healthy, over weight or obese. The Joy of Fasting
Dr. Sebi loved to fast and he fasted for her too. Dr. Sebi went on a 90 day fast and cured his diabetes, him impotence and lost his mucus. He then realized with the help of Mama Hay that fasting cured illnesses and so everyone who came to him he asked them to fast. He also was a big advocate of marijuana and so we advocate the use of CBD Oils alongside his protocols. To learn more about fasting please read the Joy of Fasting. Detoxing and Herbal Teas
Some of the most desired topics on the groups are detoxing and the Chelation I and II programs. The chelation is with cascara sagrada, rhubarb root and prodijiosa. You can purchase these products here and learn how to make the products yourself. Purchased in a pak at the Dr. Sebi Store is quite expensive. Make sure to stay close to the bathroom and remember to take the protocol for 7 days only, stop for 7 to 10 days and begin again. Herbal Teas
I think there is a lot of confusion on which herbs to take. I like to recommend that you do not mix in more than 4 herbs in a pot or maybe 5 herbs total. Some combinations I like are dandelion root and hibiscus together. Dandelion is great for a cancer killer and all around good health. My favorite detox teas are Elderberry, red raspberry, burdock and black walnut leaf. To make the tea put in one tablespoon of each herb in a pot of spring water and bring to boil. Boil for a maximum of 5 minutes and then remove from the store. Allow to steep and then strain and drink. I store my teas in a coffee flask and drink in small cups throughout the day. BENEFITS OF THE DR. SEBI NUTRITIONAL LIFE PLAN
Read below on how Dr. Sebi saved my life. I was dying and I had to give up food. I never realized how bad I was until I checked my PH and found I had a PH of 5.5. At 5 your organs begin to shut down. The Dr. Sebi Life Plan can save you too. HOW DR. SEBI SAVED MY LIFE
I am here by the grace of God and my story will show you how you can be well also. By fate I heard of the story of Dr. Sebi. A woman in one of the groups told me I had to stop eating and and I had to start fasting immediately and that is what I did. At midnight I started fasting and 12 days later I was a new person. And guess what I could walk too. I had been disabled for 2 years due to a broken cartilage in my knee. READ MORE ➽➽ IMPORTANT VIDEO FOR YOU!!YOU CAN PURCHASE MY NEW EBOOK MAKE IT AT HOME - HEREIf you want to hire someone now to guide you in your health needs, I am happy to recommend a professional for you to hire. |