Learn How Body Mass Index Is So Important to Your Health!
The Body Mass Index (BMI), also known as Quetelet Index, is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. In scientific terms, BMI is your weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. It is also recognized as the best assessment of body fat.
Professional physicians often use the Body Mass Index (BMI) value to categorize a person as underweight, normal weight, or overweight. It helps them to comprehend the health risks associated with a person's BMI value. Why Is It So Important to Your Health?
Medical experts believe that your chances of having a longer and healthier life depends on a healthy BMI. Because, in a way, it is a risk assessment system. There is a strong relationship between your BMI and several diseases. As the BMI value increase, so does the risk for:
Similarly, low value of BMI increases the risk for:
On the whole, the estimated BMI values of a person can clue a doctor in as to whether you are at risk of some health complication or not. If the values aren't stable, he will opt for additional health screenings, family history, and blood tests.
- Decreased immune function
- Bone loss
- Cardiac abnormalities
- Iron deficiency Anemia
On the whole, the estimated BMI values of a person can clue a doctor in as to whether you are at risk of some health complication or not. If the values aren't stable, he will opt for additional health screenings, family history, and blood tests.
BMI Calculator
The Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator calculates BMI value while taking age into consideration. You enter your weight and height using standard or metric measures.
Some advanced BMI calculators (SBMI) have advanced options as well. You can add your gender and even current diet plans too in order to have specific and most accurate results. It helps in assessing better health risk estimate than the common weight class definitions.
It is important to remember that the values of BMI calculators aren't applicable on people under 18 and pregnant women. Some specific ethnic backgrounds can also play an important role in the calculations.
For example, the healthy standard values are tend to be:
Other than that, people who are immensely muscular, like bodybuilders, can have high values. But it doesn't mean they are at risk. They will be perhaps exceptionally healthier than those with normal values.
In the same way, if you have 20-30 percent fat but your Body Mass Index values are normal, it doesn't mean you are healthy.
You are at risk of some ailments associated with obesity!
So, consider the distribution of muscle, fat, and bone mass also to evaluate the risks connected with BMI values. Moreover, if there is a specific disease in your family history, you can encounter that too, regardless of BMI.
The Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator calculates BMI value while taking age into consideration. You enter your weight and height using standard or metric measures.
Some advanced BMI calculators (SBMI) have advanced options as well. You can add your gender and even current diet plans too in order to have specific and most accurate results. It helps in assessing better health risk estimate than the common weight class definitions.
It is important to remember that the values of BMI calculators aren't applicable on people under 18 and pregnant women. Some specific ethnic backgrounds can also play an important role in the calculations.
For example, the healthy standard values are tend to be:
- Higher for older people.
- Higher for professional athletes with higher lean body tissues.
- Higher for those of Polynesian origin.
- Lower for people of Asian background.
Other than that, people who are immensely muscular, like bodybuilders, can have high values. But it doesn't mean they are at risk. They will be perhaps exceptionally healthier than those with normal values.
In the same way, if you have 20-30 percent fat but your Body Mass Index values are normal, it doesn't mean you are healthy.
You are at risk of some ailments associated with obesity!
So, consider the distribution of muscle, fat, and bone mass also to evaluate the risks connected with BMI values. Moreover, if there is a specific disease in your family history, you can encounter that too, regardless of BMI.
What Does Your Body Mass Index (BMI) Mean?
Body Mass Index is sensitive in many cases. It is one of those metrics that assists a professional physician in understanding and treating a patient.
Body Mass Index is sensitive in many cases. It is one of those metrics that assists a professional physician in understanding and treating a patient.
- If the value is less than 18.5, it means you are underweight. You can deal with vulnerable immune function in most cases. It is better to eat more to gain weight.
- If the value is between 18.5 and 24.5, you have a healthy, normal weight. All you need is to maintain this weight, even as you get older, to avoid diseases.
- If the value is between 25 and 29.9, you are an overweight person. Your health is at risk. But, the good thing is it is easier to move towards a healthy weight.
- If the value is 30 or over, you are within the obese category. It is better to consult a professional physician and reduce weight as soon as you can to avoid deadly diseases.
Waist Measurement & BMI
Waist measurement in BMI also plays a significant role in your health. Most people don't consider it while assessing their Body Mass Index values. But, in reality, the unusual size of waist can even trouble those with normal BMI values.
Therefore, it is better to have a quick analysis of your waist as well.
If you haven't measured your waist before, particularly for Body Mass Index value assessment, it is easy to do that in a few simple steps. However, it is different than measuring waist for buying jeans.
For example,
You put the tape measure roughly in line with your belly button, but between the both of your lowest rib and top of hip bones. Furthermore, it shouldn't be too fixed or tight. Indeed, it should be loose enough to slip a finger inside it.
That's how you measure waist circumference and comprehend how it is affecting the BMI value or threatening your health.
Waist measurement in BMI also plays a significant role in your health. Most people don't consider it while assessing their Body Mass Index values. But, in reality, the unusual size of waist can even trouble those with normal BMI values.
Therefore, it is better to have a quick analysis of your waist as well.
- For men, a waist size that is larger than 40 inches means increased risk of chronic diseases. The more excessive fat (waist size) you have, the more you are in trouble.
- For women, a waist size larger than 35 inches indicates she is carrying excessive weight. She is at a higher risk of weight related diseases, despite normal BMI values.
If you haven't measured your waist before, particularly for Body Mass Index value assessment, it is easy to do that in a few simple steps. However, it is different than measuring waist for buying jeans.
For example,
You put the tape measure roughly in line with your belly button, but between the both of your lowest rib and top of hip bones. Furthermore, it shouldn't be too fixed or tight. Indeed, it should be loose enough to slip a finger inside it.
That's how you measure waist circumference and comprehend how it is affecting the BMI value or threatening your health.
Concluding Thoughts
Though, Body Mass Index can alone decide whether your weight is healthy, but in order to acquire perfect values, it is better to measure waist too. It helps you to understand if you need to make some changes. In case the BMI values aren't in control, you need to work on them immediately. Because, a person with unstable values can die younger, almost 10 years earlier. On the other hand, healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) can help you live longer. You won't develop any kind of chronic, fatal diseases and get more out of your life as well.
Though, Body Mass Index can alone decide whether your weight is healthy, but in order to acquire perfect values, it is better to measure waist too. It helps you to understand if you need to make some changes. In case the BMI values aren't in control, you need to work on them immediately. Because, a person with unstable values can die younger, almost 10 years earlier. On the other hand, healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) can help you live longer. You won't develop any kind of chronic, fatal diseases and get more out of your life as well.