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products I have personally chosen for you. Please see my full disclosure policy.
Today we will be discussing what Dr. Sebi says to feed your babies. He says your babies will be so happy if you feed them this:
HIS VIDEO ON THE SUBJECT IS HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsUNhfKrdHs He also said to feed them baby food he created, the Banju. Normally you think of Banju as medicine for children with ADHD and for the first time Dr. Sebi has told us this formula will inprove the immune system and cause children to fly naturally. |
When he was asked what was Similac? He said the similac formula was dried cow's milk powder and chemicals. Something that is not healthy for your children. We know that cow's milk is meant for baby cows not people.
Now Chef Jess had a recipe on FB and Youtube for baby formula using coconut milk. She said this was the Dr. Sebi formula but her formula was different as it included dates not agave and used coconut water and coconut powder. I found the Dr. Sebi formula above to be best but also feel Chef Jess formula very interesting.
My interest in baby formula first began with a poster I saw on the Yada Awakening Face Book group. He talked about how soy is so bad for children. Points to consider
1. Soy is connected with some cancers such as breast and thyroid. Also interrupts infertility and endocrine disruption.
2. Soy proven to be bad for children. Soy linked to auto immune thyroid problems and also growth problems.
3. Infants on soy formulas receive the equivalent of estrogen of 5 birth control pills a day.
4. Soy is filled with anti-nutrients.
When he was asked what was Similac? He said the similac formula was dried cow's milk powder and chemicals. Something that is not healthy for your children. We know that cow's milk is meant for baby cows not people.
Now Chef Jess had a recipe on FB and Youtube for baby formula using coconut milk. She said this was the Dr. Sebi formula but her formula was different as it included dates not agave and used coconut water and coconut powder. I found the Dr. Sebi formula above to be best but also feel Chef Jess formula very interesting.
My interest in baby formula first began with a poster I saw on the Yada Awakening Face Book group. He talked about how soy is so bad for children. Points to consider
1. Soy is connected with some cancers such as breast and thyroid. Also interrupts infertility and endocrine disruption.
2. Soy proven to be bad for children. Soy linked to auto immune thyroid problems and also growth problems.
3. Infants on soy formulas receive the equivalent of estrogen of 5 birth control pills a day.
4. Soy is filled with anti-nutrients.

Read what Tony Issacs wrote in my ebook Cancer's Worse Enemy
Fit for Human Consumption?
The Chinese, did not eat the soybean as they did other pulses (legumes) such as the lentil, because the soybean contains large quantities of a number of harmful a substances.
First among them are potent enzyme inhibitors which block the action of trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion. These "anti-nutrients" are not completely deactivated during ordinary cooking and can produce serious gastric distress, reduced protein digestion and chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake.
n test animals, diets high in trypsin inhibitors cause enlargement and pathological conditions of the pancreas, including cancer. The soybean also contains hemagglutinin, a clot promoting substance that causes red blood cells to clump together. Trypsin inhibitors and hemagglutinin have been rightly labeled growth depressant substances.
Fortunately they are deactivated during the process of fermentation. However, in precipitated products, enzyme inhibitors concentrate in the soaking liquid rather than in the curd. Thus in tofu and bean curd, these enzyme inhibitors are reduced in quantity, but not completely eliminated. Soybeans are also high in phytic acid or phytates.
This is an organic acid, present in the bran or hulls of all seeds, which blocks the uptake of essential minerals-calcium, magnesium, iron and especially zinc-in the intestinal tract. Although not a household word, phytates have been extensively studied.
Scientists are in general agreement that grain and legume based diets high in phytates contribute to widespread mineral deficiencies in third world countries. Analysis shows that calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc are present in the plant foods eaten in these areas, but the high phytate content of soy and rice based diets prevents their absorption. The soybean has a higher phytate content than any other grain or legume that has been studied. Furthermore, it seems to be highly resistant to many phytate reducing techniques such as long, slow cooking.
Only a long period of fermentation will significantly reduce the phytate content of soybeans. Thus fermented products such as tempeh and miso provide nourishment that is easily assimilated, but the nutritional value of tofu and bean curd, both high in phytates, is questionable.
When precipitated soy products are consumed with meat, the mineral blocking effects of the phytates are reduced. The Japanese traditionally eat tofu as part of a mineral-rich fish broth. Vegetarians who consume tofu and bean curd as a substitute for meat and dairy products risk severe mineral deficiencies.
The results of calcium, magnesium and iron deficiency are well known, those of zinc are less so. Zinc is called the intelligence mineral because it is needed for optimal development and functioning of the brain and nervous system. It plays a role in protein synthesis and collagen formation, it Is involved in the blood sugar control mechanism and thus protects against diabetes; it is needed for a healthy reproductive system.
Zinc is a key component in numerous vital enzymes and plays a role in the immune system. Phytates found in soy products interfere with zinc absorption more completely than with other minerals. Literature extolling soy products tends to minimize the role of zinc in human physiology, and to gloss over the deleterious effect of diets high in phytic acid. Milk drinking is given as the reason second generation Japanese in America grow taller than their native ancestors.
Some investigators postulate that the reduced phytate content of the American diet-whatever maybe its other deficiencies-is the true explanation, pointing out that Asian and Oriental children who do not get enough meat and fish products to counteract the effects of a high phytate diet, frequently suffer rickets, stunting and other growth problems.
Fit for Human Consumption?
The Chinese, did not eat the soybean as they did other pulses (legumes) such as the lentil, because the soybean contains large quantities of a number of harmful a substances.
First among them are potent enzyme inhibitors which block the action of trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion. These "anti-nutrients" are not completely deactivated during ordinary cooking and can produce serious gastric distress, reduced protein digestion and chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake.
n test animals, diets high in trypsin inhibitors cause enlargement and pathological conditions of the pancreas, including cancer. The soybean also contains hemagglutinin, a clot promoting substance that causes red blood cells to clump together. Trypsin inhibitors and hemagglutinin have been rightly labeled growth depressant substances.
Fortunately they are deactivated during the process of fermentation. However, in precipitated products, enzyme inhibitors concentrate in the soaking liquid rather than in the curd. Thus in tofu and bean curd, these enzyme inhibitors are reduced in quantity, but not completely eliminated. Soybeans are also high in phytic acid or phytates.
This is an organic acid, present in the bran or hulls of all seeds, which blocks the uptake of essential minerals-calcium, magnesium, iron and especially zinc-in the intestinal tract. Although not a household word, phytates have been extensively studied.
Scientists are in general agreement that grain and legume based diets high in phytates contribute to widespread mineral deficiencies in third world countries. Analysis shows that calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc are present in the plant foods eaten in these areas, but the high phytate content of soy and rice based diets prevents their absorption. The soybean has a higher phytate content than any other grain or legume that has been studied. Furthermore, it seems to be highly resistant to many phytate reducing techniques such as long, slow cooking.
Only a long period of fermentation will significantly reduce the phytate content of soybeans. Thus fermented products such as tempeh and miso provide nourishment that is easily assimilated, but the nutritional value of tofu and bean curd, both high in phytates, is questionable.
When precipitated soy products are consumed with meat, the mineral blocking effects of the phytates are reduced. The Japanese traditionally eat tofu as part of a mineral-rich fish broth. Vegetarians who consume tofu and bean curd as a substitute for meat and dairy products risk severe mineral deficiencies.
The results of calcium, magnesium and iron deficiency are well known, those of zinc are less so. Zinc is called the intelligence mineral because it is needed for optimal development and functioning of the brain and nervous system. It plays a role in protein synthesis and collagen formation, it Is involved in the blood sugar control mechanism and thus protects against diabetes; it is needed for a healthy reproductive system.
Zinc is a key component in numerous vital enzymes and plays a role in the immune system. Phytates found in soy products interfere with zinc absorption more completely than with other minerals. Literature extolling soy products tends to minimize the role of zinc in human physiology, and to gloss over the deleterious effect of diets high in phytic acid. Milk drinking is given as the reason second generation Japanese in America grow taller than their native ancestors.
Some investigators postulate that the reduced phytate content of the American diet-whatever maybe its other deficiencies-is the true explanation, pointing out that Asian and Oriental children who do not get enough meat and fish products to counteract the effects of a high phytate diet, frequently suffer rickets, stunting and other growth problems.